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Online study tips for busy professionals

Online study tips for busy professionals

Our guide offers 5 essential tips for busy professionals pursuing online master's courses. 

Studying while working full-time can often seem like a daunting, even impossible prospect. But with today’s highly-sophisticated online master’s courses, if you’re equipped with the right tools, along with the self-motivation and discipline to succeed, it can be not only an achievable feat, but also prove to be greatly rewarding for you and your career. 

Here are 5 online study tips for busy professionals: 

1. Plan and prioritise your time 

Online study success starts with careful planning and prioritisation of your time. Take the time you need before you start your course and again at the beginning of each week of your studies to think about: 

  • How many hours in the week will you need to set aside for your studies to comfortably study all the course materials and readings for that week and work on any upcoming assignments? 

  • Which days/hours of the day during the week will you need to block out of your schedule for your full-time job? 

  • How many hours a week will you need to set aside for other commitments (e.g. family commitments, doctor’s appointments, etc.)? 

With these considerations in mind, plan out your week in your calendar accordingly.  

Block out the times each day you’ll need to be at work, at any appointments, and taking care of other commitments, and the times you’ll be able to focus on your studies.  

Then, set up calendar reminders to notify you when it’s time to sit down and focus on your studies. 

2. Set up a dedicated workspace 

With working from home increasingly becoming commonplace among employees globally, you may already have a dedicated workspace in your home from which you work. It’s important that this dedicated workspace allows you the space and comfort to work and study effectively. 

That means ensuring as much as possible: 

  • The workspace is ideally in an area where you’re not exposed to distractions – e.g. a home office with a door you can close

  • The workspace allows for any textbooks, stationery and other physical items you may need to support your studies to be easily accessible

  • The workspace is ergonomically sound, so that your physical wellbeing and comfort is maintained while you study, and you’re able to study efficiently 


3. Talk to your manager, friends and family 

Effectively managing your studies alongside your work and other commitments can be much easier when you have the support of those around you.  

Be open with your manager, friends and family about your studies, and let them know you’re trying to balance your studies alongside your full-time job and other commitments.  

Communicate that your work, studies and other commitments are all important to you – and you want to make sure you’re able to manage them all effectively and comfortably.  

A supportive and empathetic manager, friend or family member will be understanding of your situation and circumstances and attempt to be as accommodating as possible.  

Whether it’s through flexible work hours, postponing social catch-ups, or asking someone else to take the reins in the household during study hours, communicating your situation and needs to those around you and having their support will help to alleviate the pressure of balancing your studies with your full-time job and other commitments. 

4. Focus on the ‘why’ 

Remembering the ‘why’ of why you chose to study online in the first place can have a big impact and influence on how motivated and successful you are in your studies.  

Did you choose to study to: 

  • Pursue a new career; 

  • Get a promotion; 

  • Increase your earnings potential; 

  • Learn something new; 

  • Or something else? 

Whatever your ‘why’ may be, this specific motivation is the key you need to keep in mind whenever you feel you’re facing a dead-end between you and your studies.  

In addition, aside from boosting your career opportunities, knowledge and skills, remember that studying online is a great way to network with other professionals from around the world and keep your mind active and engaged with the world around you. 

Considering your studies as a rewarding investment in your career and personal development rather than as yet another item on your ‘to-do’ list will give you the motivation you need to succeed. 

5. Take time out for yourself 

While your work, studies and other commitments are all important, so too is your health and wellbeing.  

That’s why it’s important to check-in with yourself regularly to make sure you’re not experiencing burnout or struggling to cope with all the demands on your time. 

Getting enough sleep, eating well, staying active and taking regular breaks are all excellent ways to manage your physical and mental wellbeing and avoid burnout. 

If you feel like you need a break, step away from your workspace, switch off and unwind. Take the time for yourself you need to relax and recharge. Then, once you feel ready and refreshed, you can come back to your studies with renewed focus and energy. 

You may also need to adjust your weekly schedule at times and reorganise and reprioritise your time so that you can stay in control and avoid burnout. Remember, with online studies, you can set your own pace and study anytime that suits you. 

Interested in studying a master's online with UCLan? Our courses are built to be studied flexibly around your other commitments:

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